Thursday, 25 October 2012

Lost Thursday

Evening all, late post again but it was a crazy day today...and we had a birthday dinner tonight so it is, what it is.  I wish all of you staying home a happy Eid and long weekend, we'll all miss you tomorrow.

Today in math we took up, some of the math questions we did yesterday.  We talked about the zero principle with the 7s again.  Then the 7s started working on word problems and adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.  The 8s started working with multiplication models and used number lines and counters to represent multiplication problems.  Math homework is below on the picture.

For language, we watched a couple of episodes of the television show "Lost".  We talked about some of the characters that we were introduced to, and talked about how they were presented to us as the audience.  We will continue to discuss this tomorrow and there will be writing attached to watching these episodes (stop complaining J.H!!), but what I liked today was that most of you were able to infer some of what was going on by reading the scene and making excellent predictions based on text to: self, text & world predictions.

After lunch we had computers, and some of you used this time to do some extra work.  Then you had gym with Mr. Corby.

We ended the day as planned with some more "Lost" so that we all weren't left hanging with suspense and we'll maybe watch some more at a later date...behaviour and awesomeness pending!

On a much lighter note, I took Lucy to get her nails done as a belated birthday gift.  She is so serious about it.  Please enjoy the photos below! Love to all, see ya' tomorrow! Bring trip forms, $3.00, Awesome rough drafts and math homework! Keep working on SOTM!
Baby pedicure, with a design!
Math homework
Nail drying station
Getting a design on all of her fingernails!

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

New Student Wednesday!

Evening all...late but quick post.  Today we got a new student in our it was an exciting way to start our morning.

We began the day with more of the zero principle for the 7's and adding larger (+/-) integers together.  The 8's we started integer multiplication...and did the math karma experiment.  Math work today, for the 7's was computational math and the 8's were doing charts and identifying the math rules exploding from the patterns evolving in their charts.  I accidentally did not write down the math but it will be checked tomorrow.

For language we reviewed grammar and compared YOUR and YOU'RE.  We had a discussion about what each form of the word means and then you all created 10 sentences using each in 5!

After lunch you had French, and a quiz.  I have posted a photo of the verb forms to help you study for the next few quizzes.

Then we had a Science catch-up work period, as well as a language work period and many of you used this time to your advantage.

We had a fire drill, recess and then ended with a library exchange!

For tomorrow:
Rough drafts of Awesome are due ASAP
Math homework
Science will be collected on Friday, as well as a quiz on key concepts
French study your verbs
Gym rehearse your dance routines
Trip forms are due ASAP!

Night all, I'm exhausted! 

This is Lucy and her BFF Arlo on her birthday!
French verbs to study
I love this picture, and thought I would share. It's Lucy after she blew out her candles and she really looks so pleased with herself! I love this girl!

Monday, 22 October 2012

Magic Monday

Happy week everyone!  Glad everyone had a great weekend and a busy one at that!  A lot of you were busy like me, running around the city...partying, going to the movies.  Today was a great day with a lot of work being done.  I'm glad to see that most of you are taking advantage of the work periods in class and extra help with conferencing in language especially.

We started the morning off with the grade 8's continuing with word problems involving adding and subtracting negative and positive integers.  Many students worked with a partner and got most of their work done in class.  The grade 7's began to come up with some strategies to identify opposite integers and we discussed the "zero principle".  We discovered that when two exact opposite numbers that are positive and negative are added together, then their product number is most definitely zero.  Just a reminder that there will be a brief quiz tomorrow, so practice your number lines for the sevens and eights make sure you understand how to add and subtract simple integers.
Homework was: 8's - p.187 #15-19  7's - p.194 #3-9

Next we had Language, and we had a discussion about the value of zero.  Many of you had some great ideas about what zero meant.  We talked about what it meant when a zero balance is on a credit card bill, you get something for zero dollars like clothes or gifts and we also talked about what it felt like outside when it is zero degrees.  I forgot to mention one more, what about when something is a size zero?  We had some great dialogue today and I look forward to your journal entries that you do on this tomorrow in class.  Next you worked on your Awesomes and your SOTM papers.  I was able to conference with some of you, and most of you have handed in your rough drafts of your AWESOME papers to be edited.  Final drafts are due on Friday (soft due date) and Monday (hard due date).  So keep working on those papers if you haven't finished them already!

After lunch we had a double period of History.  Most of you finished up the questions...but just a reminder they are due tomorrow!! Also if you have a textbook at home, they are due tomorrow because I will be taking them all to Mrs. Nicholson's class so that they can do the work that you have just finished.  Finally, at the end of class I got you thinking about your upcoming research projects.  7's & 8's were encouraged to start to pick who they wanted to work with and which topic as well.

Finally trip forms were handed out for the Science Center, and you are asked to bring them back ASAP  with $3.00 for bus transportation. 

For tomorrow:
Math: 8's - p.187 #15-19  7's - p.194 #3-9
History: Text books and  7- p.33 #1-4(a) & p.41 #1-3  8-p.33 #1&2, p.35 1&2(a),p.36 #1
Language: Awesome rough draft, SOTM
Gym: Practice Dance
Trip forms + $3.00   

Have a great night, and enjoy the pictures from Lucy's party and our pumpkin patch adventure!  
The kids at the party!
Cutting her fancy cake
In the pumpkin patch
Birthday girl hanging from the bars!

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Security Thursday!

A new day and a new bout of security routines were set up today to monitor students movements and to stop fire alarms from being pulled.  We are doing well so far, so make sure you are using your break times for washroom and drinks.

This morning we continued with our new Number Sense and Numeration unit.  We discussed how we use a number line, and we plotted numbers on a line that we drew.  We also discovered a rule: The farther a negative number is from zero the smaller it is.  Grade 8's reviewed negative numbers and how to add and subtract them using a number line.  We watched the following videos below:

Homework was: 7- p. 187 #4-6 & 7-12  8-p.181 #7&8, p.186 #3-8

Language today focused mostly again on conferencing and working on our AWESOMEs.  Many people are getting their first drafts finished and I have a list of people that I will be working with tomorrow.  So far, I am happy with the work you are all putting into your writing and taking the feedback that I am giving you and applying that to your craft!  So proud of all of you!

This afternoon we had computers and you all had a chance to look at the website that started the Awesome phenomenon. You can find the link below and if you have some time look on the site, it is a fun read!

Next you had gym, and then French.

We ended the day with a well-deserved work period, and I was able to conference with many of you, which is great! 

For tomorrow:
MATH: 7- p. 187 #4-6 & 7-12  8-p.181 #7&8, p.186 #3-8
LANGUAGE: Awesome 1st draft done, keep working on your SOTM - fun, cooperative & responsible
SCIENCE: 7-Read p.247-249 Do p. 262#2  8-Read p.423-424 Do p.434 #4&7
GYM: Practice our dance
HISTORY: 7- p.33 #1-4(a) & p.41 #1-3  8-p.33 #1&2, p.35 1&2(a),p.36 #1

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

The Roof! The Roof! The Roof is on Fire!

What a day!  Fire drills, sunshine and Awesomes...oh my! 

We started the morning off with our new math unit on Number Sense and Numeration.  We covered the learning goals and then, worked on some review/minds on work.  We also reviewed - what a number line was, when we would use one, where in real life we use a number line and then how we would go about using a number line.  After recess we watched this short video:
Homework tonight is - 7's - p. 185 #1-6    8's - p.181 #1-6

Next we picked our SOTM characteristics.  This month we are looking for: Responsible, Fun & Cooperative candidates.  Then we had a work period dedicated to: Awesome writing pieces OR SOTM essays.  I met with most of the class today, so hopefully we can continue to meet up tomorrow too!

After lunch you had French...and I assume you were well behaved for the supply teacher.  Then we had History.  We used the period as a continuation of Language and people used the time to complete their History work.

7's - p.33 #1-4 (a) & p.41 #1-3          8's - p.33 #1&2, p. 35 #1&2(a) & p.36#1

Mrs Nicholson also assigned some Science work:

7's - Read: p.247-249  Do: p.262 #2    8's -Read: p.423-424 Do: p.434 #4 &7

We ended the day with Library exchange and another Fire Drill practice.  I really hope we get done these practices soon, as it is getting colder and colder!  So for homework tomorrow:

Math: 7's - p. 185 #1-6    8's - p.181 #1-6
Language: Awesome First Drafts due ASAP
History: 7's - p.33 #1-4 (a) & p.41 #1-3          8's - p.33 #1&2, p. 35 #1&2(a) & p.36#1
Science:7's - Read: p.247-249  Do: p.262 #2    8's -Read: p.423-424 Do: p.434 #4 &7
Health: One day food journal
Gym: Practice the dance! 

Okay that's all! See you tomorrow! ;)  Please enjoy the Lucy Wonder Woman photo!

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Picture Tuesday!

Good Evening All! What a busy day and what a bunch of running around!  I can't believe how much I was running all over the school today!  I needed to rest my feet when I got home because I my feet were so tired! 

Anyhow, we started the day off with our Unit Test for Patterning and Algebra.  So we are officially done for now, but as you'll realize...algebra never stops!  It just keeps popping it's head up all year long.

After that you had some time to work on your Awesome graphic organizers.  Tomorrow will be dedicated to getting the ball rolling on our writing projects.  Mrs. Nicholson's class is pretty much done their first drafts, so we need to get moving!

After lunch we had pictures...and that took quite a bit of time.  Especially lining you all up from tallest to smallest! It didn't seem like it would take much time, but somehow you all were discussing and debating about height for a really long time. 

When pictures were done, we talked about agendas and what was due tomorrow and this week. 

So this is what we came up with:
1. SOTM is past due
2. Awesome plans due tomorrow
3. History notes and worksheets from yesterday
4. Science title pages and notes
5. Health - food journals done for the one day
6. Library exchange tomorrow!
7. French - Town maps and presentations are happening this week (make sure you are prepared)
8. Journal from yesterday - Re: Obama Works It! (see clip below)

See you tomorrow!  :)

Thursday, 11 October 2012

No Fire Drill today Thursday!

Hello All! We had a lot of running around to do tonight, so it's a bit of a late post.  Thursdays are swimming nights...and Lucy's taking a book to school for her birthday so we had to shop for that.  Busy, Busy, Busy!

We started the morning with our Student of the Month nominations and evaluations.  Students took turns giving two positives and a "work on for next time" comment.  It went really well, and everyone paid attention and were so respectful about each others writing.  A few comments for everyone:

  • Watch that you are using a variation in your transitional words
  • Make sure that when you are making a point, be as detailed and as thorough as you possibly can
  • Use new vocabulary properly and not just to impress others with your fancy thesaurus

Overall I was impressed with the writing and I look forward to next month's nomination papers!

For Math the grade 7's finished their presentations.  We have 2 to start tomorrow, and then we'll have a bit of review and a test on Monday!  :)

After lunch we had a quick book exchange (because we missed ours the other day because of the assembly) and a computers time.  Most of you who still had not found the blog, got set up with a link in your e-mails and I think we only have one person who is still not linked in!

Next you had Gym with Mrs. Nicholson, and you started practicing the Thriller dance for our flash mob!  Exciting stuff!  See the tutorial below!


You all had French, and then we practiced our dance again!  What a day!  Tomorrow's Friday! Thank goodness! See you all tomorrow!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

"Do the Fire Drill and Lean Back, Lean Back, Lean Back!"

It was a cold and rainy/sunny day today.  We did lots of work and we covered a lot of subjects.  We started off with Math and a Math tournament of Champions!  Grade 7's and 8's were given a question each to solve and then we had a Fire Drill! We ran long...and the grade 8s only got to present because of the interruption of the Fire Drill!

We didn't have time for the SOTM but tomorrow we will start with it.  On a happier note, Mr. Webbe came in to our class to talk to the 8s about the Choices booklet and upcoming Open Houses.  Please make sure your parents see this hand out 8s, because you need to get a feeling as to whether you want to attend a school and the best way to do that is to go to the Open Houses!

You had French with Mrs. Wong and she wants me to remind me that your projects are due tomorrow! FINAL DAY!!

Then we had a double period of ART - getting our first collage/print out of the way.  Next time we will focus on the other theme and colour story.

Finally we ended the day with Mrs. Dhira's hair-cutting assembly for cancer!  Our school raised $1000.00 for Cancer Research and Mrs. Dhira is a champion of inspiration for us all.  See you tomorrow!

Soundtrack for this evening's post!

7's Question
Math Teams hard at work!
8's Question
More Math Teams hard at work
Hurrr more silvers Swaggitout!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Tuesday that feels like Monday

Good evening all.  I am feeling a bit tired tonight so just a quick update.

We started this morning with Math.  Continuing with scatter plot graphs and tables of values.  7's - p.143 #1-4  8's - p.142 #3-5.

In Language you all handed in your SOTM nominations and you all got AWESOME graphic organizers and started conferencing with me.

This afternoon you had Science work to do with Ms. Karim. 7's - You had a worksheet to do on "What is Force" 8-s "Levers" & "Simple Machines in Your Body". 

Then you had gym, and French with Mrs. Wong.

For tomorrow:
Big Math homework check
Awesome Plans filled in
SOTM nominations and votes
Science Work and questions from last week.
History notes due, chapter 1
Study directional vocabulary (I see a quiz in your future)

Also...Happy Belated birthday to Sajanique and Tiany!  Tiany - thanks for the delicious cake! xo

Thursday, 4 October 2012

One more day until tha LONG WEEKEND!

Hello All! Just a quick post to remind you of homework.

Today we did Math, grade 7s did tables of values and scatterplots and grade 8s continued doing math problems by simplifying their answers into tables and sketching out their answers.  Homework tonight: 7s - p.140-141 #5-7   8s- p.138 #4,5 & 12.

Language we studied the elements of AWESOME.  We made a will find it below!

Health - We looked at the Canada's Food Guide and started to discuss what portions looked like for Fruit & Veg and Grains.

Then you had Science with Mrs. Nicholson.  Please see her note below! Labs are due tomorrow!!

You ended the day with Ms. Wong...still doing directional vocabulary.  See picture below!

Okay, quick post but I'll see you tomorrow! Night all!

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Wednesday - Lock Down

Good evening all.  It was definitely the middle of the week today, and I don't know about you but I am exhausted.  I hope all of you got home and were able to rest as the gloom and doom of the gray skies made me feel...blah!

This morning you had a supply teacher because I was at a Model Schools meeting planning a cool unit for us all to do.  I was happy to meet with Mrs. Mayers and Mr. Nathoo and see what awesome things we are going to be involved in.  You started the morning with Math and hopefully were able to work with a partner to get the questions done.  8s - p.133 #12-14 7s- p.133 #8-11.  Please make sure all of your math is done for tomorrow as I will be checking it tomorrow.

Here is a Math link to practice for the grade 7 & 8's:

After recess you had language and I scheduled you two periods.  One was set aside for working on your SOTM and the other was set aside for you to pick out the text details of the AWESOMEs we read in class yesterday. 

We had a relatively rain free lunch period and then we began taking advantage of our new Computers period.  Mrs. Isaacs told me that she was really impressed with how quietly you were working in the lab and I have to admit, you did do a great job.

You had an AWESOME gym period with Mrs. Nicholson and she also complimented me on how great you all were and willing to participate in high activity games. make me so proud!

Finally at the end of the day we had a LOCK DOWN practice drill and it went smoothly.  By the time that was all over, it was the end of the day and time to go home!  Where did the time go?

For tomorrow:
Language: Brainstorm Awesome ideas & SOTM
Math: 8s - p.133 #12-14 7s- p.133 #8-11
Science: Lab write up due to Mrs. Nicholson on Friday
History: Title pages finished ASAP
Guidance: My blueprint stuff for Mr. Webbe
French: Directional vocab


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Topsy Turvy Tuesday!

Today Mrs. Nicholson and I really appreciated everyone's flexibility.  We switched things up so we could catch each others class up on rotary subjects and it all worked out well!  I was so jealous to hear what was happening in the Study Hall...I wish I could have witnessed the amazing structures and the wind tests that were going on.  Proud to hear you all engaged in Science! 

This morning we started with studying excerpts from Neil Pasricha's "Book of Awesome".  It was fun to hear you all reading along and laughing at the humour he inserts into his work.  After recess, in small groups you all read more excerpts and I think you all started to get a feel for what the author's voice sounds like.  Tonight I want you to brainstorm some ideas about what is AWESOME in your life. 

Then we switched for Science....and you tested your structures.  You are all expected to have your detailed structures drawings done for Friday, as well as your LAB REPORTS done.  Mrs. Nicholson's class worked on a SUPER LAB today and I believe she will loan us the copy for you to see what a LEVEL 4 looks like, sounds like and is written like!

After lunch you had French, and it was good to hear from most of you that the class went smoothly.  You are still learning directional vocabulary, and the picture of that vocabulary list is on yesterday's post.

Then we had math...and talked about a table of values and making observations about patterns.  I assigned some questions for grade 7 and grade 8 and at this point in the night...I have realized that I did not write it down for myself.  I vaguely remember that the 8's - 9-11 and the 7's (I can't remember).  If someone would post on here or on our FB page I would greatly appreciate that!

We finished the day with a last call for History title pages and phonecalls will be made tomorrow...I will be checking Math homework in the afternoon as well - SO DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!

Before I leave you tonight...I thought I'd show you something cute...ENJOY!  I love how they look at each other like they're saying "Do you hear this? It's awesome!".  Also I just thought of an awesome... When Babies Dance! 
For tomorrow:
Language - Brainstorm
Math- The few questions I assigned
History- Title pages
Science - Lab report
Guidance- My Blueprint Assignment
French - Study new vocab
Dance- You have to present your dances this Friday


Monday, 1 October 2012

Movie Monday!

Today was a really busy and productive day!  I was happy to hear about your Science experiments and it was good to see that the pile of boxes and supplies went to good use!

We started the morning off with a math quiz on algebraic expressions.  Most people finished just after recess, and I was happy to see you all asking good questions and hard at work.

Once everyone was done the quiz, we finished our last piece of the S.O.T.M. series.  We talked about an effective conclusion and how it's so important to remind people in that paragraph of your arguments and why you want them to pick the person that you have picked.  The final note in the series was made and posted and you will find the pictures below.  S.O.T.M are due on Friday (soft due date) or Tuesday (hard & final due date), so keep working!

After lunch you did Science!  Structures buildings and tests will run tomorrow AM! Mrs. Nicholson is excited to see your results and read your lab reports.  You'll find her note attached below as well.

I went in to speak with Ms. Wong and she let me take a picture of your new vocabulary about directions....I'm not psychic but I feel that there will be a quiz in the very near future.

Now, before I close off I wanted to highlight a few things!
1. On Friday we had our first Recognition assembly and we had two wonderful winners! Beyonce won our Respect award for the month and Shane was the recipient of  the Confidence and Cooperation certificate.  I was so proud to see all of you so well behaved at the assembly and it was fantastic that I had so many of you in mind for the awards!  I can't wait to see who wins next month.

2.Before the assembly I was talking with some of the grade 8 boys about how the assembly might go, and reflected on this scene from the television show "Parks and Recreation", I have attached the clip below and if any of you can imagine me walking to the front of the assembly in my mind this is what it might look like!

3. We premiered our first ever film.  It looked amazing and I think everyone was inspired!  So great work everyone.  Please find the film and the link below!

For tomorrow:
1. S.O.T.M started!
2. Science Write-up started!
3. Study new French vocabulary
4. Work on Guidance homework from Mr. Webbe

Have a great night!  See you tomorrow! 
Shane our Cooperation and Confidence winner!
New Vocabulary for French
SOTM note
Intro note SOTM
Mrs. Nicholson's Science Note
Beyonce our Respect Future Ace winner!
Conclusion paragraph note from today
Math teams in action
Math teams in action!